What are we about?

I want to help people. I have yet to figure out just how to do that. I welcome your emails as does JoJo, he is the traveling sideshow. booksndcoffee@yahoo.com. Email us and we will respond to reasonable suggestions or ideas on how to turn this blog into a force for good.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Doesn't Seem Like Nine Days: A Poem 4 U&Me.

Really, it doesn't seem like that long since I posted? Oh well, here is a little something to cure your blues and spread the news. JoJo wishes you had some clues, pay your dues.... we could roll in the hay we just may?


"Time Passes"

With every click and clack of the clock
With every pitter patter and every knock
Time passes very quickly stocking up
A laundry list of regrets and supposes

Within foundry of steel find your reserves
In truth and love  you'll get your deserves
Trust in heaven and love of he above
Twisting time and space giving peace of dove

Time slips through a humans grip and dwindles
Down before you know it on the diddles 
Of our nature to let it go so quickly
Don't let it go so quickly my friends
Touch faith and freedom before it's too late
Kingdom of God is truly, truly great

Time passed but you didn't care...


Grab a cup, and DRINK UP!!

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