What are we about?

I want to help people. I have yet to figure out just how to do that. I welcome your emails as does JoJo, he is the traveling sideshow. booksndcoffee@yahoo.com. Email us and we will respond to reasonable suggestions or ideas on how to turn this blog into a force for good.

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The Hunger Site

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

JoJo Uses The Word Of The Day!!

Yep, new text color, trying it out. We like to shamelessly self promote ourselves in a varitude of spectrum tingling ways. I know, shut it. Hopefully we'll like it. Oh, so word of the day usage by the master of linguistics and ninja killer. JoJo laughs at today's word, wunderkind.

"When JoJo was little he was certainly no wunderkind. He knew some wunderkinder, but he himself was just average, though he grew into the most lethal ninja slayer and homeless antarctic cat flogger the world will ever know!"

Enjoy the taste we bring? Grab a cup, and DRINK UP!
(Pics upcoming tonight: JoJo and his meeting with "Yellow Ninja a numba 2")

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