What are we about?

I want to help people. I have yet to figure out just how to do that. I welcome your emails as does JoJo, he is the traveling sideshow. booksndcoffee@yahoo.com. Email us and we will respond to reasonable suggestions or ideas on how to turn this blog into a force for good.

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The Hunger Site

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

More And Less

Less is more? I say more is less, and i'm sticking to it.

Anyway, shall we get to the point, yes. I am going to do a poetry piece tommorow I think and perhaps a coffee review, JoJo and I got more blends to check out. I don't know, no one seems to have an opinion, but that's ok JoJo and I have enough opinions for everyone, you know what they say "opinion's are like homeless antarctic cats, everyone has killed one"! Grab a cup, and DRINK UP!

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